The Silent Grove

The silent grove is an rp-oriented free company based in La Noscea with connections in Othard and Ilsabard. It is a rank 30 FC that comes equipped with a medium house and available fc rooms, daily buffs, and open to in-game content such as roulettes, maps, and more.

Mist ║ W26 P60 ║ Balmung ║ Crystal

🍁 Hierarchy 🍁


The head of the Silent Grove, the Caretaker is an unknown figure that derives power from their anonymity. The Caretaker oversees the distribution of wealth to communities in need, and may assign important tasks or targets that supersede usual daily activity.


Watchers are the respective left and right hands of the caretaker, overseeing day-to-day operations of the silent grove as a whole. The pair holding this title answer directly to the caretaker.


Each division within the silent grove is directed by a keeper. Each division will carry out tasks tailored to their specialization, as directed by said keeper. keepers are subordinate to the watchers and often receive directives from them.


Established members within the grove, rangers are the organization's agents with a combative role. They typically work within a singular division, and report to that division's keeper.


Established members within the grove, the Verdant are the organization's staff with a non-combative role. They typically work within a singular division, and report to that division's keeper.


New recruits, as yet unplaced in a division and yet to prove themselves to a keeper.

🍁 About 🍁


The Silent Grove is a clandestine organization with criminal roots devoted to helping those left powerless or disadvantaged against corrupt systems, figures, and other powers-that-be. While they typically avoid organized crime families or delving into political machinations, they more often than not target the wealthy, corrupt elite. This can vary from unearthing information on crooked public figures, stealing from noble families, or even reclaiming historical art or relics that were taken by war or conquest.


Little is known about the Silent Grove, but there are whispers that some within it's ranks formerly served in a now defunct cell in the Dalmascan resistance, prior to the Kingdom's fall.


With divisions ranging from intel to provisions, and even commerce, the Silent Grove has work for most anyone so long as they're committed to the cause, and getting their hands dirty where necessary.

🍁 Divisions 🍁

CommerceCurrency, counterfeiting, fencing, & bankrolling
IntelligenceCommunications, Psyops, Forgeries, Surveillance, Recon, Infiltration
LogisticsTransportation, Financing, Safe Houses, Exfiltration
ProvisionsArmory, Food, General Supplies
WelfareMedical, Trauma/Therapy, Training, Social/Work Event Planning

🍁 Contact 🍁

Interested in joining? Please see below for questions on how to reach us.


Our FC is located on Balmung, Mist, W26 P60. Feel free to visit and apply in-game at the signpost outside the FC; if you do so, please include your Carrd/Bio or discord in the application so we may contact you!You may also message the following officers if you see us online:

  • Clover Fyth

  • Auhert Legrand

  • Opal Zayle

  • Rhuari Maccrain


Fill out the application (in the Apply tab below) and one of our officers will contact you in-game or through Discord if you feel comfortable providing it. If you don't provide a valid Discord handle we'll try to reach you in-game if we catch you online, otherwise it's best to submit an application at the FC house.

🍁 Rules 🍁

Generalized Rules

  • The Silent Grove does not tolerate any form of bigotry. This includes, but is not limited to racism, homophobia, transphobia, gender discrimination, and more.

  • Following the above, please avoid use of slurs - this includes racist, sexist, homophobic, and ableist slurs.

  • As this is an rp-based fc with some heavy content themes surrounding death, injury, trauma, etc, we ask that applicants are 21+.

  • Set a good example and treat others with kindness and respect.

  • Communication is important. If you have a disagreement, it's better to discuss it maturely rather than gossip or cause fissures within a group. Additionally, officers are here to help in certain situations so please don't be afraid to approach us.

  • While primarily an fc, we do allow off-world members to participate, and have a CWLS for that as well.

Character Specific Rules

  • Lore bend, not break! Characters vary in strengths and skills but we find some limitations and keeping to the lore makes for more of an interesting challenge in writing. Ideally, we would prefer medium to low powered individuals that are grounded in canon.

  • Though it shouldn't go without saying, please do not godmod or infomod. For event rp's and dm'ed plots, please do not hijack the story from the dm(s) as well. Inspiration is one thing, commandeering is another.

  • Note the hierarchy. While the company can lean on the informal side for structure, there is a ranking system. Greenleafs and Rangers answer to Keepers, Keepers answer to Watchers, etc. If you feel there is an IC conflict in the chain of command or with an order, don't hesitate to discuss - sometimes, IC confrontation or disagreements can lead to interesting new stories, so long as we're respectful and mindful in its approach and OOC.

  • ICly, this is a secret organization! Do not go outing other members to non-Grove members. Utilize thieves speak or code if necessary to convey messages between members in public/open-world rp, or to potentially recruit new members. But please be mindful that there is a code of secrecy.

Company Specific Rules

  • While mature themes are expected, those of sexual or intimate nature are not. Please avoid such discussions both IC and OOC in FC roleplays.

  • Some FC rooms are common use, meaning that anyone is welcome to RP within them, and some are not. Please be mindful of the room greetings to know what's allowed!

  • Members are welcome to purchase their own FC room if they like. If you intend to make a room that's FC based, you will be given 300,000 gil to cover room cost (so long as you have been within the fc for at least 30 days).

  • FC chat is ooc only. Swearing is fine, but please avoid name calling.

  • Please be mindful of spoilers, and do not discuss them in the FC chat.

  • We don't mind alts for those that are ranger or above rank. However, we prefer to have a group of active members, so those that have not logged in for too long a period may get purged. We will always notify beforehand though, and if you let us know if you need to step away we're totally amenable!